Signed in as:
Union United Methodist Church is committed to ensure the safety of our worshipping community. According to the CDC, the public health emergency for COVID-19 will end on May 11, 2023. Therefore, we will be making the following adjustments to entering Union United Methodist Church effective Sunday April 16 th 2023.
1. You do not have to register for worship or sign in upon entering the church.
2. Masks will be optional when entering the building. Masks will still be available for anyone who arrives without one.
3. Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the church. It is recommended that hand sanitizer be used upon entering.
4. In addition to having in-person worship, you will still be able to enjoy worship through the following platforms: YouTube, ZOOM and our website (
5. If you choose to stay home, you can continue to pick up your communion element before the first Sunday.
6. While we are working on bringing back our in-person offering, you are encouraged to deposit your gifts securely in the locked tithes and offerings receptacle box outside the church or through one of our online giving portals.
7. Union is committed to delivering a cleaner, safer in-person worship experience for everyone. In an effort to provide complete peace of mind, we will have our building cleaned weekly.
8. We will no longer require temperature checks. To care for yourself and others, if you experience cold or flu like symptoms, we ask that you stay home and enjoy our worship service utilizing one of our virtual worship options.
9. If you attend an in-person worship service and test positive for COVID-19, please contact the church office at 301-627-7389. Your information will be kept in confidence.
10.If you have questions, please feel free to contact any member of our Transition Team. Transition Team Ann Bing, Wanda Walker-Hodges, Sandra Sellman, T Allen, Avis Thompson, Kevin Boyette, Lynn McCormick, Marjorie Winston, Lisa Armstead, Pastor Twanda King